Needless to say the shelf was knocked off the wall. We lost the juicer. However, the food processor survived the mighty fall. Go Cuisinart!!
So I ordered a new juicer and it came today. Here is the juice that I made with it.
Just look at that color!!!! I don't know about you, but the greener a smoothie or juice is, the more nutrient rich it looks to me. My heart actually starts to beat a little bit faster!
Here are the ingredients I used:
2 oranges (rind removed, seeds and pith in tact)
1 peeled, de-seeded asian pear
1/2 cup cut carrots that were already peeled (unfortunately)1/4 of an English cucumber, peel left on.
A ball of spinach, about a handful worth
This was really tasty. I actually loved drinking it!
My four year old's response was something along the lines of "BLECH! I do NOT like green juice!"
So I mixed it 1/1 with apple juice and he had two glasses. My only reservation about that is whether or not that will digest well in his little body. Next time I will make sure to dilute the juice a bit to protect his stomach.
So, there will be more juice recipes to come! I also can't wait to start utilizing the pulp of these juices in other cooking and baking, and in my smoothies! More to come!!!
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