Thursday, June 17, 2010


Buttered Noodles

I can't eat anything bland. My brain recoils at the thought. My stomach balks at the suggestion and my tongue is just plain offended. So, whenever I see any recipes that call for salt as the only seasoning I know that inevitably my hands and nose will be busy mixing, matching and melding spices from my pantry in order to make the recipe my own.

As I posted in my last entry, my sister gave me a book that a friend of hers gave to her to give to me. It's the "Deceptively Delicious" one by Jessica Seinfeld. Yeah, Jerry Seinfeld's wife. She's amazingly down to earth and realistic in this book. I was surprised.

The first recipe of hers that I tried is called "Buttered" Noodles. Basically, it's healthy wheat pasta with a milk, margarine, grated parmesan cheese, salted yellow squash sauce. The infiltrater here is the squash, obviously.

I am going to post the recipe with my adaptations marked with an asterisk. Some notes first:
1. I added a few spices, obviously.
2. I didn't have whole wheat pasta so I opted for Barilla enriched pasta so I can feel like I am eating more healthily as I gorge on those ill reputed carbs.
3. I usually use smart balance. But, I only had butter to use.
4. She calls for only 2 Tbsp. of cheese. But I upped it a bit for my son's tastebuds.

On to the recipe:

8 oz. barilla enriched penne*
1/2 c. yellow squash puree
1/4 cup skim milk
2 tbsp. butter*
1/2 c. parmesan*
A couple of pinches of of rosemary infused salt*
Freshly ground black pepper*
Pinch of dried tarragon*
Pinch of garlic powder*

I popped the pasta into the pot. Then I put all the other ingredients (only half of the parmesan) into a small saucepan and whisked it together and set it to simmer. Once the pasta was finished I poured the pasta into the saucepan, mixed it up, and added the rest of the cheese.

I'd say it took less than 20 minutes to make this, if that. However long it takes for pasta boil is how long you have until it is done.

Now, my assessment of this recipe? VERY tasty. The squash gives the sauce an amazing flavor, just wonderful! I recommend this recipe wholeheartedly. Jack ate three kid sized bowls of it and I ate rest. I couldn't help it!

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